
Showing posts with the label php

Sending data to the Internet via Ethernet and Wifi, processing

When we need to use Arduino's full potential in connectivity mode, we have two options. Make a webserver from Arduin, or send data to the Internet, which will make Arduino much easier. This tutorial contains sketches that are used to send data to the Internet via HTTP, HTTPS protocol, sending mode can be called Webclient mode, or simply a client when we connect to a remote server. All sample sketches will be designed for sending and processing of 2x temperature from DS18B20 sensors, DHT12 humidity, atmospheric pressure for BMP280. To process the result on the webserver side, we use the PHP language in the procedural version. Tutorial for Arduino (Wiznet W5100 Ethernet shield - HTTP only): # include <OneWire.h> //KNIZNICA ONEWIRE PRE VYUZITIE ONEWIRE ZBERNICE # include <DallasTemperature.h> //KNIZNICA PRE TEPLOTNE CIDLA DS18B20 # define ONE_WIRE_BUS 6 //DEFINICIA PINU AKO ZBERNICE PRE ONEWIRE ZARIADENIA.. TU ZBIERAME UDAJE ...