Wifi thermometer - NodeMCU in AP mode
Wifi Thermometer is a project where NodeMCU is used in AP mode, it's actually a hotspot to which you connect, and then you can view the temperatures or the magnitudes of other sensors that you connect to the NodeMCU. Values are viewed through a web browser on the page that NodeMCU generates. It is located on the same IP / DNS flag as the gateway (NodeMCU). This solution demonstrates two DS18B20 sensors using OneWire protocol. parameters: NodeMCU in Access Point (AP) Custom SSID and WPA2 PSK encryption Custom IP (static) / DNS flag Secure web site accessible from home network Always when loading the page, the current info (informative character) Graphic depiction The data is updated whenever the client refresh the page. This means that it always has the current temperature. Support me and find interesting solutions at: https://arduino.php5.sk Source code: # include <OneWire.h> //KNIZNICA ONEWIRE PRE VYUZITIE ONEWIRE ZBERNICE # include <...