
Showing posts from December, 2019

Nero's descent in Caldaria

(A story from 2015 written by me on a weekend without the Internet. I took my inspiration from M&B: Warband. The work did not go through language and contains errors.) PROLOGUE    Long ago, Nero had lived in far away regions, the son of relatively wealthy parents, his father a traveling merchant who traveled mountains and mines on land or water. He was extremely successful and with Ner's mother, the clerk gave him only the best education. After finishing elementary education he knew very well what life was. Nero also decided to study at the university. He studied theology, medicine and architecture. It was a highly educated, intelligent person. He went on bad paths with a bad group in which he searched for alcohol, various harmful activities, or women. He had a higher position in society, he had money, everything. He was the person who gave the merchant a sum of money for repairing the property, rather than being prosecuted for a similar offense, so he could cover...

Noise in 8-bit images - MATLAB

Noise is a negative phenomenon that affects a wide variety of digital products. Images, audio or video recordings (digitized). The aim of this article is to point out the effect of noise that can alter the values of individual bits of pixels. As a result, by modifying the most significant bit - the so-called bit. MSB (Most Significant Bit) comes up to 50% of the bit brightness value. Noise thus manifests as a component that darkens the pixel. Each pixel is made up of eight bits in the case of a black and white image. The higher the bit value, the lighter the bit. Eight bits can result in a value of 0 - 255. For a clearer representation also serve the table: BIT - bit order ENCOURAGES VALUE 1 (LSB) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (MSB) 0/1 0/2 0/4 0/8 0/16 0/32 0/64 0/128 The implementation in MATLAB represents physical images by loading them into matrices, each image is 512x512px. Each image is thus represented by 262,144 pixels. Each pixel is made up of eight bits, so the image is represented i...

Verifying stolen vehicles - Arduino + Ethernet / ESP32 / ESP8266 (Slovak region)

As a fan of Facebook group HAKA, I decided to make an interface using microcontrollers to verify license plates that could potentially be stolen. As a communication tool I used up to three platforms, and for each platform I made source code with the same functionality. I used Arduino with Ethernet module (shield) Wiznet W5100 and two WiFi platforms - ESP8266 and ESP32. Since the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic is under HTTP protocol, it is also possible to use the mentioned Ethernet shield, since HTTPS does not support connections, it will be sufficient for HTTP. The principle of the program is to send the entered license plate number to the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic and to derive from the webserver response whether the vehicle is stolen or not. Content of HTTP POST request is parameter - (parameter input window for license plate) with its value, in this case car license plate. The webserver responds by listing t...

Biking on Google Maps - Arduino Leonardo (32u4) - HID device

Cycling is a very popular sport, also thanks to the successful athlete Petr Sagan. Passionate cyclists roam our roads and paths. However, as the weather is not always good, not only a fan of bicycles would like to ride from the comfort of home. So today I am bringing a way to do this, say, the augmented reality of Google maps. At the beginning we will go through the necessary hardware resources for the project and in the next step we will discuss their functionality. Hardware Components: Arduino (32u4 CPU) Leonardo  Magnetic reel switch  2x pushbuttons  To use the system, the user must turn on Google Maps, select any site in the world and switch to Street View mode. This ensures a ready interface for interacting with the bike (Arduin). Any type of bicycle can be used. Classic, road, mountain, treadmill. A magnetic contact must be fitted on the pedal and the structure. The main element of the system is the use of the Arduino Leonardo development board, which ...

Irrigation control over the internet with Arduino

Hello, I'd like to introduce you to the project that I realized this year. I created a web-based system for horticulture that specializes in the sale and cultivation of various plant species, trees, flowers and other exotic crops. Web-based system has been designed to meet the following requirements: Record temperature, measure rain level (raining or not) Heating / cooling control based on temperature Irrigation control at set times or on demand with weather condition counting statistics Remote restart boards Logs Login system As Arduino Mega was used as the control microcontroller, because Arduino Uno was on the edge with memory and greatly jammed, the watchdog rebooted almost every minute. Arduino Mega was a great choice thanks to a sufficient number of pins and especially great memory for a program with a larger RAM memory. Arduino sends temperature and rain data to the Web via the Wiznet W5100 Ethernet Shield. The temperature is read out digitally from the DS18B20 sen...

Autonomous Internet heating with ESP8266

Hello everyone, today I would like to introduce to you my project that I have been doing for 2 years, and I have added something to it from time to time, and today I would like to introduce you to its full functionality. You will learn what the system knows, why it is autonomous, why I chose ESP8266 instead of Arduin and what technology I used for this web-based heating project. The system is capable of controlling home heating, originally designed for a gas boiler room. The web interface is designed for use by laypersons, so it is suitable for everyone, regardless of the experience of working with a computer or a web browser. What a user needs to know on a page can be found in the menus and sub-pages that the system can manage. I use 6 temperature sensors DS18B20 for recording room temperatures as well as for the water temperature in the radiators or the circulating circuit of the boiler. The system allows you to control two outputs - physical relays for: Heating - Optional Hysteresis...

Solar monitor with Arduino + W5100

Solar monitor with Arduino allows: Sensor voltage (up to 24V), current (up to 5A) for solar panel, battery, appliance Calculate the energy, power and capacity of individual elements of the solar system. Retain data in MySQL database and then represent them in charts. 7-day measured data table. List actual data in real-time report table Manually control multiple relays: Physical buttons from the system and virtual from the web interface. For more accurate measurement results, Arduino with 5V analog input is used. The monitor of this system is also its controlling brain. The system can be extended to work with other systems and management. Boiler, irrigation and under under tension, temperature, weather and other impacts. Used hardware: Arduino Mega 2560 Ethernet shield Wiznet W5100 Voltage sensor 0-25V Current sensor ACS712 5A version (extendable to 20A / 30A version) 4-channel relay with inverted logic System Screenshots: More about this project (not translated yet): ht...

Web portal of heating - open hardware

I am offering a built-in web-based backend written in PHP that acts as a data collection gateway for users registered on the site. Each registered user chooses the hardware they use - the development board through which they send the data to the site. The user has a choice of platforms: - Arduino + Ethernet shield W5100 / W5500 - NodeMCU / ESP8266 - ESP32 The page allows you to record and view up to 6 temperatures, one of which is the control temperature that controls the heating in the house. Temperatures are recorded with DS18B20 sensors in 6pcs, which can be pulled up to tens of meters from the source. It is therefore possible to cover the entire household, outdoor areas, and so on. When power is active (3-pin connection). Heating includes 2 modes: - Automation - switches based on measured temperature targeting with optional hysteresis (+ -0.5 - 2 ° C) (to be implemented) - Manual - Classically on request ON / OFF (to be implemented) Of course, you can also represent the measured te...